API Access Keys in Sequence Builder: Claim them before February 23 to keep using Sequence services!

January 23 2024

API Access Keys in Sequence Builder

From February 23rd, 2024 all developers using the Sequence stack will be required to get an API Access Key for their project from the Sequence Builder platform and paste it into their code. This process allows us to better serve developers and users going forward with the world’s leading full-stack web3 infrastructure. 

To maintain uninterrupted service, all projects using Sequence products such as Wallet, Indexer, Node Gateway, Metadata and Relayer must claim and integrate their free API Access Key before February 23rd, 2024.

The process is fast and easy! Here are all the details and resources on how to access your API Access Keys. And our team is available at any time to answer questions.

What are Sequence Builder API Access Keys?

API Access Keys are like special “codes” that help ensure the safe and efficient usage of our services, like the services included in Sequence Builder, including the Indexer, Relayer, Marketplaces, Node Gateway, and Metadata API. These API Keys are important and help serve developers and users in important ways, including:

  • Ensuring that only the correct user applications receive the information they need

  • Providing deeper insights on usage and user analytics for developers

  • Coordinating usage and bandwidth across all Sequence services  

API Access Keys increase the ability for developers to customize their Sequence usage and better understand their users' behaviors.

How do I generate and claim my API Access Key?

Claiming your API Access Key before February 23rd, 2024 is vital for uninterrupted experiences.

  1. Sign in to Sequence Builder or create a free account on sequence.build

2. Next, you can either select the project you want to get API access for or create a new one.

3. API Access Keys are linked to specific Projects. A key is automatically generated when you create your project - more keys can be created as well. You can find specific details on your access key by going to the Settings > API Access Keys section.

4. Select the key you want to use, whether dev or prod. Dev keys are typically used in development for testing purposes or for alpha or beta testing, whereas prod keys are used in production for real users. Having a dual access key system allows you to perform Blue/Green deployments live to ensure no downtime for your users. Credits are segmented to differentiate different usage so you can track your progress, however the keys serve the same function.

5. You can click to copy your provided key, or, rotate it (meaning a new one will be generated) restarting your credit usage for the period whether it’s the dev or prod key while keeping a tally of your total project usage if for some reason the key was exposed or you want to monitor a new period of usage. To ensure the safety of your usage, you should input individual domains you want your key to be allowed to call from. This way, if someone inspects your code running live, they can’t use your project credits. Finally, click the update button and you’re on your way.

6. To use your Access Key in your project, ensure you have upgraded to the latest version of sequence.js (1.8.0+) or install it with npm: pnpm install 0xsequence [email protected]

7. Then, you can use the following code snippet for the Universal Sequence Wallet after you have imported the following packages with:

import { sequence } from '0xsequence'
const wallet = sequence.initWallet('<access_key>', { defaultNetwork: 'polygon' })
const connectDetails = await wallet.connect(({ app: 'Your app name' }))
console.log('=> connected?', connectDetails.connected)

8. Or you can play around with the various sections of the Builder that have the access key automatically populated in code snippets. Under your project in Sequence Builder, Wallet, Indexer and Node Gateway sections will show auto-generated code that you can use.

Do not wait to have your services interrupted, generate your API Access Keys in the Sequence Builder as soon as possible before February 23rd, 2024.

Happy hacking!

Sequence is the leading all-in-one development platform for integrating web3 into games. Onboard, monetize, grow, and retain players with Sequence’s award-winning technology. From collectibles and ownable rewards to fully on-chain experiences, Sequence’s easy-to-integrate platform solves blockchain complexities, so developers can focus on creative execution and delivering amazing player experiences. Trusted by hundreds of games and thousands of developers. Sequence is backed by Take-Two Interactive, Ubisoft, Xsolla, Bitkraft, Brevan Howard, Coinbase, Polygon, and more. To learn more, please visit: https://sequence.xyz/

Written by

Taylan Pince

CTO - Horizon Blockchain Games and Sequence

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